About Salsa Cantante.
Salsa Cantante is a website from salsa students for salsa students. Initially created to help us learn and practice,
we decided to share it with the world.
Starting from the wish to remember more salsa moves while dancing, we used the principle found in Ruedas. There, a dedicated person called a cantante announces the next move to the dancers.
Just like that person, the Salsa Cantante calls the chosen moves out to you. It helps you practice getting into a move spontaneously,
without thinking about it beforehand. We hope that the Salsa Cantante can also help you to increase your active knowledge of moves.
About us.
Hola! We are Timar and Marietta. We've been dancing together since 2019, when we both ended up as beginners in an intermediate salsa course. Back then, our private training sessions to catch up with the classes turned into regular dancing afternoons where we tried to teach ourselves new moves with Youtube videos. In those sessions, we also started to tinker around with some ideas for a website that could help us a little bit. The result of all our time and effort is what you see here, the Salsa Cantante. We've been using it ever since the idea was born. So far, it’s been a fun experience and it's also helped us to improve our dancing :)